1989年(nián ),大卫·林奇拍(🐌)了Twin Peaks: Pilot ,讲(🐉)述FBI探(tàn )员Dale Cooper 去双(shuāng )峰镇,调查女中学生Laura Palmer被谋杀事件(jiàn )。以(🐖)大卫·林奇的(🥞)一贯作风,整(😻)出(chū )片子(🚑)到(dào )处充满了神秘(mì )(🤷)事件和诡异疑点(diǎn )(🧚),而(ér )且(qiě )没有结(jié )局可言。这大(❔)概引起了观众的(de )不(bú )满,或(huò )者好(hǎo )奇(qí )心。于是,电视台或(👓)是创作(zuò )班底决定以这个为起点(diǎn )(🧤),将(🚻)它发展成一部(👺)连(⛳)续剧。出(chū )于神秘的原(🧣)因,David Lynch不愿担任导(dǎo )(💍)演,而是(😊)出任执行监制,找了(le )另外的(de )(🌪)导演来拍摄这部剧集(🔈)。结(jié )果Twin Peaks第1集(💏)就已经是(shì )一部(💸)续(xù )集,这就是为什(📐)么在第1集(👄)时的(🆙)片头(🔫)就有(yǒu )“双峰之前”,交代前(👛)面(🕕)的(de )故事。 大卫·(🔉)林奇的《双峰》是美国(🈵)90年(🏁)代最为着名的电视剧之一(🍄)。曾荣获1990年美国电视评论协(xié )(🗺)会大奖(jiǎng )(😀),1997年美国金(jīn )球奖最佳男女主(zhǔ )角奖,1991年美国艾美奖8项大奖,1991年美国(guó )(🥐)广(guǎng )播协会(huì )最佳电(📂)视(shì )剧奖,而(ér )大(😌)卫·林奇也因(yīn )此登(🈴)上(🥑)了《时代》杂志的(de )封(fēng )面。 这部(🤤)剧集与(yǔ )(🚠)大卫?林奇的(🦂)电影作品有很(📓)大不同之处,人物众多但个(gè )性分明,故事(✉)线(📒)索(suǒ )分(➿)支不多(duō )但剧情(qíng )峰回路转(🕠),许多(duō )人被Lora的(📬)死亡之(zhī )迷所吸引(yǐn ),也(😧)为侦探(😂)怪(guài )异的侦破(pò )方式着迷,虽然到最后也(yě )(🕤)在(zài )(🌫)电视版本中也没交代谜(💠)底(🕑)(虽然(rán )(🥛)林(📢)奇宣称他在第(👚)二(èr )集告(gào )诉了观众凶手是(shì )谁了),但对(🍼)人类欲(🗂)望中产阶级的生(shēng )活的(🕠)剖解(jiě )的相(xiàng )当(dāng )深刻(kè )。而(🆖)林(lín )奇的忠实影迷也(💨)不会失望,整部剧集(🍞)所呈现的(💡)特异(🔆)风格,纠结了怪诞唯美(měi )与迷离的气氛(🎮),都是大(🎳)卫(wèi )(😯)?林奇(qí )(🗞)的(de )经(jīng )典本色(sè )。其中Lora还被《Time》誉为电视(shì )(🍆)史(shǐ )(🤤)上(shàng )(🥇)最性感的死尸 。 (💗) The story begins with the murder of Laura Palmer, a teen aged girl who lived in the quiet town of Twin Peaks, near the US - Canadian borders. Everyone seems surprised and devastated by the girl's murder, and the town's sherif welcomes the help of FBI agent Dale Cooper, who comes to investigate the case. As Cooper begins his search for Laura's killer, the town's secrets are gradually exposed. This is definitely not an average quiet town, it seems as everyone has something big to hide. At nights, agent Cooper sees strange visions of Laura and other mysterious people, visions that tell him that something big is happening here, something far more evil than a single murder case...